近日,2022年第十届Architizer A+奖公布了评审结果。UUA建筑师事务所荣获Architizer A+ Awards 最佳事务所类特别提名奖。此外,由UUA设计的城市更新项目(安康中学礼堂改造)也收获了Architizer A+ Awards的石材类别最终5佳名单,并将角逐最终大奖。本届A+奖收到了来自80多个国家的数千份设计作品,仅5%的事务所及项目作品被选为特别提名奖,以此来表彰2022年度全球范围内具有卓越成就的先锋建筑师事务所。
关于Architizer A+ Awards
Architizer A +Awards是世界上最有名的关于促进和庆祝年度最佳建筑和空间的国际奖项。它的使命是培养世界大众对有意义的建筑进行欣赏,并支持那些将伟大建筑变为现实的不可或缺的设计师。其使命在于推动人们鉴赏全球范围内有意义的建筑,并倡导建筑对日常生活产生的潜在积极影响。
A+ Awards奖项旨在表彰全球最优秀企业的杰出作品-并聚焦那些行走在时代潮流的建筑师和设计师,他们正在努力创造经得起时间考验的建筑。Architizer的核心使命是赋予架构师权力。通过其鼓舞人心的内容、建筑产品市场、奖励计划和广泛的在线影响力,该组织将设计师与他们需要的工具联系起来,以建造更好的建筑、更好的城市和更美好的世界。
United Units Architects(UUA) 是一家拥有英国皇家建筑师协会特许资质的事务所。UUA的作品在业界已经建立起卓越的声誉, 主要体现在:对空间与形式的创新性设计、对细节的关注、以及对文化和场所的敏感性。
United Units Architects (UUA) is a RIBA chartered practice. The reputation of UUA is founded on the creative design of space and form, attention to detail, whilst remaining sensitive to both culture and context.
UUA建筑师事务所的核心理念可概括为 ‘几何精神:一种整合感性与理性的建筑法则’。UUA的设计以情感共鸣作为起点,并通过几何学,对感性化的建筑形体进行几何优化与系统划分,使建筑符合工业化的生产与建造逻辑,创造出一种兼具人文温度与技术精度的建筑品质。
The practice is characterized by a unique design philosophy summarized as ‘The Spirit of Geometry: An Architectural Principle to Integrate Sensibility and Rationality’. In order to make the building comply with the logic of industrial production and construction, the ‘Geometry’ is utilized as an intermediate bridge to optimize and systematize the perceptual architectural form. Thus creating an architectural quality that combines humanistic temperature and technical precision.
UUA design approach is inspired by the exploration of ‘sensibility’. They believe that a building must have some spiritual connection with those who will experience it. This connection can be historical, contemporary, or futuristic, and also can be humanistic, technological, or naturalistic. UUA endeavor to find this connection to stimulate the emotional resonance between people and architecture, thereby making architecture the carrier of meaning.
UUA integrate the structural form, spatial layout, building envelop and mechanical services into a whole through a rigorous three-dimensional geometric framework, forming a consistent sense of the order of inside and outside, much like an exquisite industrial product. The integrated design combined with industrialized prefabricated construction will bring time savings and cost control for construction.
UUA look forward to exploring and embracing balanced and practicable creative ideas. Technology and cost are always key references to rationalize their creativity and then achieve a high-level realization of the original ideas. Beautiful renderings are only the first step to winning the trust of clients. Behind this are countless efforts to realize the renderings and truly fulfil our commitment to clients.
除了本届获得美国ArchitizerA+大奖,UUA建筑师事务所在以往的国内外设计大奖中也屡获殊荣。包括WAN世界建筑新闻奖金奖、德国标志性建筑设计奖、意大利A’ Design大奖、英国Dezeen设计奖,德国设计奖、香港DFA设计奖、美国IDA设计奖、美国建筑大师奖、中国城市更新论坛神来之笔奖、国际设计传媒奖等。今年,UUA建筑师事务所将有多项设计作品竣工落地,让我们共同期待。
