
资讯频道 - 产业聚焦 来源:互联网 作者:cdo 2021-04-26

2020-2021意大利A’ Design设计奖已于近日公布,UUA建筑师事务所设计的安康市图书馆改造项目荣获A’ Design奖。这是继2019年UUA获得该奖项后再次获此殊荣。

A’Design, 全球最大并且涉及国家和地区最多的设计大奖赛现已正式公布2020-2021年设计大赛的结果:来自于108个国家和地区,104个不同的设计领域,共2094位设计获奖得主。参赛作品全部都由极具国际影响力的知名学者、著名媒体成员、创意设计专业人士和有经验的企业家组成的评审团进行公平仔细的审察,评审团都倾注了极大的精力和关心,谨慎仔细地对每件参赛作品进行评估。



The Renovation of Ankang Library

安康市图书馆位于连甍接栋的安康老城区。老馆开馆于1984年10月,时过境迁,图书馆从硬件设施到软件配套,都严重滞后于高速发展的信息时代。小城老馆,亟待改造更新。Located in the old town of Ankang city, the original Ankang Library was opened in 1984. Over the duration of  time, the library facilities had fallen behind the information age, prompting a need for a comprehensive regeneration program.



The renovated Ankang Library consists of two buildings: the North Building facing the street and the Main Building positioned in the centre of the courtyard. The design principle aim was to rejuvenate the old library into a  new, open and welcoming community space, highlighting and creating a strong contrast with its existing context. Since opening, the new library has reactivated the cultural life of the local community, and the number of daily visitors has increased from 10 people to 3,000 people.




The two buildings adopt a modern curtain wall system, forming a concise massing and pure colour. The transparent glazing combined with the delicate perforated aluminum cladding create an effect akin to a halo. When the two buildings are seen with the vibrant and disordered old city, the following strong contrast brings unexpected drama and contrast. Forty years of passed time are visible with these two urban realms,  like a surreal space-time dislocation. In this contrast, new and old coexist equally and give each other a meaning of existence. In addition, the juxtaposition of place also exists in people's behavior. Inside the building is a quiet and attentive reading atmosphere, and a window is separated by the street snack's market. The juxtaposition of these two conditions of place, the calm and tranquility of the library set against the frenetic energy of the city street, creates a counterpoint of tension.


项目地点:安康 . 陕西 . 中国

项目规模:4,000 sqm

项目业主:安康市图书馆 & 安康博元实业

设计团队:李泳征,李其郅,姜腾,Tim Mason,邓亮,吕延锋,赵胜利,陈立业

设计日期:03/2020 – 07/2020

建设日期:07/2020 – 10/2020

Location: Ankang, Shannxi, China

GFA: 4,000 sqm

Client: Ankang Library & Boyuan Real Estate

Design Team: Yongzheng Li, Qizhi Li, Teng Jiang, Tim Mason, Liang Deng, Yanfeng Lyu, 

Shengli Zhao, Liye Chen

Design Date: 03/2020 – 07/2020

Construction Date: 07/2020 – 10/2020


United Units Architects (UUA) 是一家拥有英国皇家建筑师协会特许资质的事务所。其作品在业界已经建立起卓越的声誉,主要体现在:对空间与形式的创新性设计、对细节的关注、以及对文化和场所的敏感性。



UUA在国内外设计大奖中屡获殊荣。包括德国设计奖、意大利A’ Design大奖、美国IDA设计奖、美国建筑大师奖、中国城市更新论坛、国际设计传媒奖等。


