Jingdezhen “ Tao Xichuan cup”
China—— china porcelain design competition
瓷文化主题:生活瓷 / 艺术瓷 / 景观瓷 / 装饰瓷 / 其它瓷
theme of porcelain culture: household porcelain/ art porcelain/ landscape porcelain/ decorative porcelain
/ other porcelain
自由选题:产品 / 视觉 / 环艺 / 服饰 / 工艺美术 / 影视动画 / 数字媒体
Free topic: product/ vision/ environmental art/ apparel and ornaments/ industrial art/ film, television and
animation/ digital media
参赛对象:设计师 / 教师 / 学生
contestants: designers/ teachers/ students
The People's Government of Jingdezhen City
Tongji University
Teaching guidance Committee of design major of colleges and universities of Ministry of education
Teaching guidance Committee of vocational schools of art and design of Ministry of education
同济大学 设计艺术研究中心
Art & Design Research Center Tongji University
Jingdezhen International Ceramic Fair Office
中国教育电视台 高校创意总部
同济大学 设计创意学院
China Industrial Design Association
China Educational Television Creative headquarters of universities
College of design and innovation, Tongji University
theme of porcelain culture
“china —— 中国瓷”创意设计
China—— China porcelain design competition
围绕“瓷心 瓷情 瓷景”主题,在生活瓷/艺术瓷/景观瓷/装饰瓷等方面展开创意设计,推广创新理念,评选优秀作品,推动中国瓷向更深层次的创意化、国际化、产业化方向发展。
On the theme of “china heart, china emotion and china landscape”, creative design will cover various aspects of household porcelain/ art porcelain/ landscape porcelain/ decorative porcelain. Innovation concepts will be promoted. Outstanding works will be selected. China porcelain will be developed further in the dimension of creativity, internationalization and industrialization.
Free themes
Free themes
To continue the tradition, the competition will collect original works of vision, product, environmental art, apparel and ornaments, industrial art, digital media and animation by designers, teachers and students created in recent two years to review creative works by Chinese designers in a new period.
The National design “master award” has always been holding the idea: spread the new design concept, collect excellent design works, meet the needs of social creativity, and make the competition an important creative engine in design & education community in the creative economy era. In the context of new silk road, the competition will build the road of porcelain, connect with porcelain industry of China and make conversations with global porcelain culture.
Apart from the tradition —— free themes, the competition collaborates with People's Government of "Jingdezhen", the world famous porcelain city, on the theme of “china —— China porcelain”.
千古以来,中国瓷一直描绘着艺术的东方图景与中西文明交流的奇迹。本次“大师奖”创意设计大赛, 希望同构中国/china的文化意境与器物美学,见证瓷心、绘制瓷景、开拓瓷道。
Through the ages, China porcelain has worked miracles of oriental landscape of art and communication of eastern and western civilization. The “master award” creative design competition expects to create similar forms of Chinese /china culture artistic conception and aesthetics of objects and to witness the porcelain heart, paint the porcelain landscape and broaden the porcelain road.
A. Guiding principles: with an innovative and aspiring theme, powerful and authoritative international judges,
and a systematic and in-depth "competitive evaluation system", the competition expects to lead industrial
innovation with leading industrial concepts.
B. The principle of the platform: it is not only a competition, but also a systematic platform of Government-
Industry-University-Research Cooperation around the competition.
C. Justice, fairness, openness. Let works speak for themselves. Stop all that violates the principle of justice,
fairness, and openness.
One. Introduction of judges
Committee of competition organization is fully aware of justice, authoritativeness and social influence. As usual,
the committee will invite the most authoritative designers of porcelain art, free art in design art community.
Renowned professors and fashion art elites will be members of the domestic and foreign judging teams.
Two. setting of the awards
奖项 / 奖金 / 证书 / 奖杯
Prize/ Bonus/ Certificate/ Cup
全场大奖奖金额度高达30万 !
The bonus of the Grand Prix is as huge as RMB 300,000!
Total bonus is as huge as RMB 800,000
Grand Prix: one piece, bonus of RMB 300,000/piece (set), certificate and cup
( The completeness and high market value of the work are required )
■金奖: 6件,奖金2万元/件(套),获证书和奖杯
Gold award: 6 pieces. bonus of RMB 20,000/piece (set), certificate and cup
Silver award: 12 pieces. bonus of RMB 10,000/piece (set), certificate and cup
bronze award: 12-20 pieces bonus of RMB 5,000/piece (set), certificate and cup
Award of excellence: 300 pieces, and certificate.
The excellent guiding award: bonus of RMB 10,000/piece (set), certificate and cup (the guidance teachers
of winners of gold and grand awards)
The guiding design award: certificate and cup for the guidance teachers of winners of silver and bronze awards,
and certificate for the guidance teachers of winners of excellence
■优秀组织奖:10件,获证书, 并邀请获奖单位领导或指导教师出席颁奖典礼。
Outstanding organization award: 10 pieces and certificate. Leaders of winning units or guidance teachers will be
invited to attend the awarding ceremony.
One contestant can submit works of various categories. The number of entries is unlimited yet entries of the same category should be no more than two pieces. If the work wins multiple awards, only the highest bonus will be awarded. No repetitive bonus will be obtained.
The groups of designers, teachers and students are to be reviewed respectively. The proportion of awards is determined by the number of submitted works. If the grand prix is vacant, the bonus of RMB 300,000 will be used to increase awarding items or to organize part of the winners to attend training abroad (please note information after the competition)
Three. Design categories and themes
■第一部分 瓷文化主题
瓷心 瓷情 瓷景:china—中国瓷创意设计
Part one. theme of porcelain culture
china heart, china emotion and china landscape
China—— China porcelain design competition
theme of porcelain includes creative design works of porcelain and pottery
A类 生活瓷创意设计
Category A. creative design of household porcelain
household porcelain: indispensible household porcelain in everyday life can meet the needs of human life. Being practical and artistic, it is consistent with aesthetic idea and the requirements of different ceremonial occasions. The most accessible household porcelain includes tableware, tea set, wine set, coffee and sanitary ware, etc.
B类 艺术瓷创意设计
Category B. creative design of artistic porcelain
artistic porcelain: Ceramic art that can be used, collected and used for decoration, includes miniature landscape, figure and fairy, birds, beasts, insects and fish, fruits and utensils, building, tiles and ridges. These are mainly used as furnishings in office and public space to create the atmosphere and improve quality of life.
C类 景观瓷创意设计
Category C. creative design of landscape porcelain
landscape porcelain: It refers to landscape works with ceramic material as the carrier or works of ceramic design.
Different from art porcelain in size and volume, these are mainly decoration for large space and practical utility in
public places, giving people the enjoyment of beauty as public art.
D类 装饰瓷创意设计
Category D creative design of decorative porcelain
decorative porcelain: it does not include decorative porcelain in building materials. Ceramic material is
used as the main body and other materials are combined to make smallsize design of shoes and clothing accessories, which include design for jewelry, clothing and package and require advanced skills in design modeling and firing technology. Therefore, the value of such artwork is relatively high.Decorative patterns: graphic design of porcelain pattern (including graphic design of porcelain bowl, porcelain plate, porcelain plaque)
E类 其它瓷创意设计
Category E. other creative design of porcelain
Other creative design of porcelain apart from the four categories mentioned above.
■第二部分 自由主题
Part Two Free themes
Design works of the recent two years ( from 2012.1.1 ) (including vision, product, environmental art,
film and television, animation, game, web page, APP, clothing, art and craft ) are welcome to participate in this competition ( including award-winning works in other competitions and works adopted by companies). For more information, please see sample of submission
F类 视觉形象设计
Category F Visual image design
F-1 招贴广告、POP广告
F-1 poster, POP Ad.
F-2 城市形象、企业形象、品牌形象设计
F-2 design of city image, corporate image, and brand image
F-3 城市信息导视设计:
F-3 City Information Sign Design: including guidance design, tourist information, graphic design, etc.
F-4 design of product packaging and promotion
F-5 书籍装帧、产品宣传册及插图设计
F-5 Binding of books, brochures and illustration design
F-6 网页、视频、手机信息设计
F-6 web page, video, design of mobile phone information
F-7 与印刷媒体、网络媒体及视觉传播相关的设计
F-7 design concerning the print media, network media and visual communication
F-8 视觉类其它
F-8 other design of vision category
G类 产品开发设计
Category G Design of product development
G-1 居家用品设计
G-1 Household product design
G-2 家具设计
G-2 furniture design
G-3 交通工具设计
G-3 Vehicle Design
G-4 玩具及动漫衍生产品设计
G-4 derivative products design of toys and animation
G-5 家用电器设计
G-5 design of household appliances
G-6 旅游、娱乐、健康产品设计
G-6 Tourism, entertainment, health product design
G-7 产品类其它
G-7 other design of product category
H类 服饰设计
Category H apparel and ornaments design
H-1 主题服装设计
H-1 theme fashion design
H-2 配饰设计
H-2 ornaments design
H-3 鞋帽设计
H-3 Footwear and hat design
H-4 服饰类其它
H-4 other design of apparel and ornaments category
I类 环境艺术设计
category I Environmental art design
I-1 居家室内设计
I-1 indoor household design
I-2 办公空间设计
I-2 office space design
I-3 宾馆和商业空间设计
I-3 Hotel and commercial space design
I-4 公共环境(交流、娱乐、游玩、休闲)空间设计
I-4 Public environment (communication, entertainment, sightseeing, leisure) space design
I-5 展示空间设计
I-5 exhibition space design
I-6 雕塑、装置艺术及其它空间设计
I-6 Sculpture, installation art and other space design
I-7 环艺类其它
I-7 other design of environmental art category
J类 工艺美术创新设计
category J creative design of industrial art
Chinese industrial art design works which reflect the flavor of the time and have some breakthrough
in respect of form and techniques.
J-1 金属工艺和实用品设计
J-1 Metal craft and practical product design
J-2 木、竹、藤装饰和实用品设计
J-2 Wood, bamboo, rattan decoration and practical product design
J-3 玻璃、琉璃装饰品设计
J-3 Glass, coloured glaze decoration design
J-4 瓷器、铁艺饰品设计
J-4 porcelain, iron art decoration design
J-5 陶器、紫砂工艺品设计
J-5 Pottery, purple-grit handicrafts design
J-6 其它工艺美术品设计
J-6 other art and craft design
J-7 工艺美术类其它
J-7 other design of industrial art category
K类 影视、动画、游戏、网页设计
Category K film and television, animation, game, web page design
K-1 摄影创意
K-1 photographic creativity
K-2 影视短片创意
K-2 film clip creativity
K-3 动画创意设计
K-3 animation creativity design
K-4 游戏创意设计
K-4 game creativity design
K-5 网页创意设计
K-5 web page creativity design
K-6 多媒体类其它
K-6 other design of multimedia category
works to be submitted should meet the following requirements
Visual design works
Visual design covers a wide range, including print and product packaging, advertisement and POP display, institution image and sign guide, binding of books, web pages, APP, etc. According to previous experiences, it would be better for the contestant to submit the process of creativity and design results at the same time after “packaging”. Both of quality and quantity are important and the works are also potential materials for the publication of collection of “master award” winning works.
Design works of product development
A. 作品展示效果图(含有环境或单一背景)
A.work rendering ( including environment or a single background)
and description of design, which should elaborate on the designing features of function, shape, materials,
colors, etc within 150 words.
B. 成套作品,应提供每个单品的立体图;
B. Perspective view of the single piece of a series of works should be provided.
C. 产品设计作品范例可参考
C. samples of product design may refer to previous award-winning works on www.designedu.cn and the
official website of “master award” of www.masteraward.org
Packaging design works
A. 参照产品开发设计递交格式要求。
B. 包装展示效果图;
A. Please refer to submitting format requirements of the product development design
B. rendering of packaging; packaging expansion
Perspective view and description of design;
C. samples of packaging design works may refer to previous award-winning works on www.designedu.cn and the official website of “master award” of www.masteraward.org
Environmental art design works
A. 设计效果图。
B. 设计相关的平面图、施工图等。
C. 设计说明。
Environmental art design includes architectural design, landscape design, interior design, public art design,
etc.The competition focuses on creativity of contestants and expressiveness of entries and requires creativity,
design and technological expression of high quality. Design drawings, conceptual design, practical project are
all acceptable.
A. Design rendering
B. Plan and construction drawing concerning design, etc
C. description of design
Film and TV, animation, game, web page design works
A. 影视与动画作品
A. Film TV and animation works
a. 登陆大赛报名系统,如实填写相关信息并上传6幅包含短片海报与视频截图的图片文件(视频文件不需上传),版式统一为A4竖式幅 面,精度不低于300dpi。
a. log on the competition registration system, fill in the relevant information accurately and upload 6 image files containing short film posters and video screenshots. The format is upright A4 and precision should be no less than 300dpi.
b. 视频作品:提交视频文件按规定选择一种规格
b. video works: one of the three required formats (MPG、AVI、MOV) should be chosen. Burn a CD and mail it with the print screenshots and registration form to the organizing committee.
c. 作品时间长度:短片视频文件要求在10秒以上,评委重点评价短片前3分钟和后2分钟。
c. length of time: the length of video clip should be more than 10 seconds. The evaluation would be
focused on the first three minutes and the last two minutes.
d. 视频文件字幕文字应统一用中英文标注。
d. The caption of the video should be marked in both Chinese and English.
B. 游戏、网页设计等交互媒体作品
B. The interactive media works of game, web page design, etc.
( excluding static graphic works)
a. log on the competition registration system, fill in the relevant information accurately and upload 6 video screenshots (interactive media files don’t need uploading). The format is upright A4 and precision should be no less than 300dpi. The content of interactive media files and description of creation should be no more than 300 words ( Static and video files are unacceptable.)
b. 交互媒体作品:提交视频文件按规定选择一种规格(提交格式为exe、swf、asp、php、jsp、apk六种格式之一)刻录成光盘,与打印截图和报名表等一并邮寄到组委会。
b. interactive media works: video files to be submitted should be in one of the required formats (exe、swf、asp、php、jsp、apk). Burn a CD and mail it with the print screenshots and registration form to the organizing committee.
c. 作品内容量度:交互媒体文件内容量度必须超过专业人士1分钟以上才能体验完成的内容量度。
c. Content measurement of the work: the content of interactive media file should be more than one
minute of professional experience.
d. 交互媒体作品要求同时具有视听效果。
d. interactive media works require both audio and visual effect.
theme of porcelain culture —— 2015.7.20
free theme —— 2015.9.20
Note: As for works of porcelain theme, design scheme or complete product can be submitted once for all.
Organizing committee will inform finalist contestants by the end of July to polish works and the polished works
should be submitted before 2015.9.20. If contestants cannot afford to finish the firing process of creative works,
hand-painted, 3D modeling or 3D print approaches are acceptable.
组委会将在评审完成当天于“大师奖”官网和中国设计教育网上公布优秀奖获奖者名单和铜奖及铜奖以上获奖者名单,金银铜奖和全场大奖将在17 日景德镇颁奖现场揭晓。铜奖以上获奖者在15日中午前收到组委会电话通知后,将于16日前往景德镇报到。
Final evaluation
Organizing committee will announce the list of winners including award of excellence, bronze award and
awardsabove bronze award on the official website of “master award” and Chinese design education network on
the reviewing day (bronze award, silver award, gold award and grand prix will be announced on Jingdezhen award
ceremony on Oct 17th). Winners above bronze award will be called by organizing committee before noon of Oct.
15th and are expected to set off on Oct. 16th for Jingdezhen to report for duty.
Awards, exhibition and academic reports by the domestic and foreign expert judges
2015年10月17日 / 景德镇陶溪川china坊
2015.10.17 / Jingdezhen Taoxichuan china workshop
Winners above bronze award, excellent guidance teachers and outstanding organization units will be invited to
attend the ceremony and we welcome teachers and students from colleges and universities, designers and
domestic and foreign professionals to be present.
Registration and entry fees
A step one: on-line registration
Log on the official website www.masteraward.org to enter the registration system, and upload digital work file
(including the photo of remittance voucher)
B. 第二步:邮寄以下材料:
B. step two: mail the following materials:
a. 打印作品:
a. print one copy of work of 300dpi precision according to the requirements ( size of A4, without mounting)
b. 参赛表格:
b. The entry form
log on the registration system, upload works and download system- generated entry form
print it, fill in the form and affix it to the back of the work
(as for multiple entries and series work, the entry form should be affixed to each piece)
c. 承诺函:
c. Letter of Acceptance
It comes into effect with the entry form.
Refuse to sign or false sign of the Letter of Acceptance will be regarded as concerning entries without
formal submission
d. 汇款凭证复印件:
d. copy of remittance voucher
the copy of the receipt and remittance voucher should be affixed to the back of the work
( the Payer Name should be consistent with the name of the author)
e. 身份证明复印件:
e. Copy of identification
参赛者的身份证(或护照)复印件,贴于参赛作品背面 (在校学生请提供学生证复印件)。
The copy of contestants’ ID card (or passport) should be affixed to the back of the entry
(Students please provide a copy of student ID card )
f. 评委会重视和鼓励提交模型和实物参评。
f. The Judge Committee value and encourage contestants to submit models and physical objects.
Entry fee
The number of the entries is not limited. Each entry is charged RMB 50 ( If it is multiple or a series of works,
it is charged as two pieces; if the works are submitted by collective units and the number of works reaches
20 or above, it is charged as RMB 30/ piece, series works are charged as RMB 60/set). Please use one of the
following three ways to pay:
A. 支付宝钱包转账:
A. alipay
account name: masteraward@greenkin.com.cn
( It is highly recommended to use mobile phones to pay by “alipay purse”. Start “alipay purse”,
click “transfer”.When the webpage is opened, click “transfer to alipay account”. Input the account
name masteraward@greenkin.com.cnand the corresponding fee, and write down the name of author in
description column of payment. Ifit is acollective payment, please specify the school, the department
and number of works)
B.中国邮政汇至:上海市四平路1239号 同济大学
综合楼1705室 大师奖组委会
B. China Post:
master award organizing committee
Rm1705 Zonghe Building
Tongji University
1239 Siping Road, Shanghai
postal code: 200092
C.银行汇款汇至:户 名:上海桧林昉文化传播有限公司
账 号:31001543600050004977
C. bank remittance:
account name:
Shanghai Green·Kin Culture Communication Co., Ltd.
bank of deposit: Shanghai Zhangwu Road Branch of the Construction Bank of China
account: 31001543600050004977
(The name of the remitter on the receipt and the remittance voucher should be consistent with the
author’s name. The copy of the remittance voucher and the entry should be mailed together to the
organizing committee of the competition.)
If the organizing committee doesn’t receive the entry fee by deadline or the fee is insufficient,
the work will not be reviewed.
contact information and competition materials
■咨询电话: 021-65982779 杨老师
021-65984900 何老师
consulting phone: 021-65982779 Ms. Yang
021-65984900 Ms. He
Mailing address:
master award organizing committee
Rm1705 Zonghe Building
Tongji University
1239 Siping Road, Shanghai
postal code: 200092
email: 971259284@qq.com
For more information, please visit the official website: www.masteraward.org
(information release, online registration, work uploading and reference materials)
China design education website: www.designedu.cn
(information release, in-depth reports )
Other information
Work release and publication
Award winning works will be released on the official website of the competition and China
design education website
design teams and individuals of global Chinese; teachers and students of design schools
(Doctor, master, undergraduate, professional and vocational college students; foreign
designers and overseas students registered in China)
Letter of Acceptance
Contestants should sign Letter of Acceptance for the entries submitted officially: If the entry is an individual creation, the contestant should sign one copy of Letter of Acceptance for each submitted entry; If the entry is a collective work, all the contestants who participate in the creation should cosign one copy of Letter of Acceptance for the work.
If the contestants refuse to sign Letter of Acceptance or make false signatures, the concerning
entries are regarded asworks without formal submission.
Contestants should use black fountain pen or pen to sign Letter of Acceptance clearly.
The above text is regarded as the competition rules. In Letter of Acceptance the above text is abbreviated as “competition rules”.
Samples of Legal statement and Letter of Acceptance are as follows.
History of the “Master award”
The competition started in 1997 and has been named “national college students vision design competition” and “national college students design master award”. The competition is created by Prof. Lin Jiayang with academic experience in Germany and Mr. Jin Daiqiang from Hongkong has a close collaboration. With international educational resources of Wuxi University of light industry and Tongji University, international top masters such as Gunter Rambow from Germany, Shigeo Fukuda from Japan, SimorChwaste from America, etc cooperate in harmony and the 16 competitions have been continually and successfully held. The competition persists in cooperating with governments and servingdomestic and foreign enterprises, great events such as Olympic Games and World Expositions. It is the longest and most influential and authoritative national competition with the most entries as well as judges of highest level in China. On the basis of the 16th national college student design competition, a new competitive platform is extended for nationaldesigners, teachers of colleges and universities. From the 15th session, the original “national college students vision design competition” and “national college students design master award” is officially renamed as “national design master award” so as to encourage national designers, teachers and college students to enter the competition and contribute wisdom and strength to the great dream of national rejuvenation.

Previous “master award” review and awarding

The 16th “master award” review and awarding
sample of free theme

part of award-winning works in previous competitions
part of awardwinning works in the 16th “master award” national industrial art
—— creative design competition
第一部分——瓷心 瓷情 瓷景:china——中国瓷创意设计。
答10:按“大师奖”历来规定,凡全场大奖未能产生,均增设各类奖项。16届“大师奖”的全场大奖未能达到赛事支持单位对于产业化的要求, 经大赛评委建议并与赛事支持单位协商,30万元奖金资助了获奖师生、设计师,组织团队赴日本进行为期13天的工艺美术“大师班”考察活动(详见中国设计教育网首页发布的十期专题报道和学员考察感言)。17届大赛希望有创意产业化的设计作品产生,如果空缺也同样采取上述办法。
